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Ian McInerney

Research software engineer, Vibration UTC at Imperial College London

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My research encompasses the fields of numerical algorithms, computer architecture, digital circuit design and control theory, and routinely overlaps several of those areas, as can be seen on this Venn diagram. My main research focus during my PhD has been how the calculations and computations required for advanced controllers (such as Model Predictive Control) can be implemented efficiently on digital platforms such as FPGAs.

Some of the research topics I am working on currently or am interested in are:

  • Analyzing the effects of low precision computations on algorithmic stability/convergence.
  • Understanding and applying Stochastic rounding to numerical methods.
  • How to tailor algorithms to computational hardware (and vice-versa).
  • Understanding iterative methods through a dynamical system viewpoint.
  • Improving the design flow for embedded and FPGA-based control systems.