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Ian McInerney

Research software engineer, Vibration UTC at Imperial College London

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Note: The following presentations were given at conferences where no paper was published in the proceedings. For conference presentations with an associated proceedings paper, see the publications page.

  • I. McInerney, M. Wang, B. Stellato, V. Bansal, and A. Solomon, “OSQP with GPUs & FPGAs: Accelerating quadratic programming on heterogeneous systems,” presented at the 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, Oct. 2024.

  • I. McInerney, V. Bansal, P. Goulart, and B. Stellato, “Recent Advances in the OSQP Solver: Differentiable Optimization, Accelerated Linear Algebra, and More,” presented at the SIAM Conference on Optimization, Seattle, WA, USA, May 2023.


  • I. McInerney and N. J. Higham, “Chopblas: Simulating Mixed-Precision and Stochastically Rounded Linear Algebra,” presented at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Amsterdam, NL, Mar. 2023.


  • I. McInerney, E. C. Kerrigan, and G. A. Constantinides, “Circulant Preconditioning of the Fast Gradient Method for Predictive Control,” presented at the 7th IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization, Birmingham, UK, Jun. 2022.

    Extended Abstract Slides

  • I. McInerney, E. C. Kerrigan, and G. A. Constantinides, “Closed-Form Preconditioner Design for Linear Predictive Control,” presented at the 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, Jul. 2020.

    Extended Abstract Institutional Repository Slides Video

  • I. McInerney, E. C. Kerrigan, and G. A. Constantinides, “Bounding computational complexity under cost function scaling in predictive control,” presented at the International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), Valencia, Spain, Jul. 2019.


  • I. McInerney, E. C. Kerrigan, and G. A. Constantinides, “Modeling round-off error in the fast gradient method for predictive control,” presented at the 28th Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Jun. 2019.

    Extended Abstract Slides

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