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Ian McInerney

Research software engineer, Vibration UTC at Imperial College London

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The Intel oneAPI tools do not automatically create module files when they are installed using DNF (or remove old module files when they are removed). Instead, a DNF action plugin can be used to run the modulefiles setup script after and DNF transaction modifying an Intel package. The plugin architecture changed between DNF 4 and DNF 5, so slightly different steps are needed for each one.


For DNF 5, the libDNF actions plugin can be used, but this is not installed by default, so it must be installed manually using the DNF command:

dnf install libdnf5-plugin-actions

Once installed, it should be automatically activated, but this can be confirmed by checking the enabled key in the /etc/dnf/libdnf5-plugins/actions.conf file.

Next, create the action to update the modulefiles by creating a file oneapi_modulefiles.actions inside the directory etc/dnf/libdnf5-plugins/actions.d directory with the contents

# Update the module files for oneAPI if any changes are made in the installation directory
post_transaction:intel-oneapi-*:::/usr/bin/sh -c /opt/intel/oneapi/modulefiles-setup.sh\ --force\ --output-dir=/opt/intel/oneapi/modulefiles\ >>/tmp/intel_modfile.log

Now, anytime a package starting with intel-oneapi is installed or removed, the modulefiles will be regenerated into the /opt/intel/oneapi/modulefiles directory. Note that the output of the modulefile generation script will be sent to the temporary file /tmp/intel_modfile.log instead of being printed to the terminal.


For DNF 4, the DNF post-transactions-actions plugin can be used, but this is not installed by default, so it must be installed manually using the DNF command:

dnf install python3-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions

Once installed, it should be automatically activated, but this can be confirmed by checking the enabled key in the /etc/dnf/plugins/post-transaction-actions.conf file.

Next, create the action to update the modulefiles by creating a file oneapi_modulefiles.action inside the directory /etc/dnf/plugins/post-transaction-actions.d directory with the contents

# Update the module files for oneAPI if any changes are made in the installation directory
intel-oneapi-*:any:/opt/intel/oneapi/modulefiles-setup.sh --force --output-dir=/opt/intel/oneapi/modulefiles

Now, anytime a package starting with intel-oneapi is installed or removed, the modulefiles will be regenerated into the /opt/intel/oneapi/modulefiles directory. Note that the output of the modulefile generation script will be printed to the terminal during the DNF transaction.